Workflows are flexible automations that allow you to automate almost any "back office" task related to cleaning and maintenance. Each workflow works by using a trigger to initiate one or more actions.
Triggers can include events detected by the software OR AI-driven events.
Actions can include software actions, AI actions, or human actions powered by the TIDY Concierge.

Triggers include the following:
- When a job is marked complete
- When a guest reservation is created
- Every hour, day, week, month at a certain time.
And more similar things.
You add a trigger when creating a workflow, and you can search for and select the trigger that makes sense for your situation.

Triggers may have filters, which allow you to filter the trigger further. For example, you can filter a job completed trigger to only trigger on certain properties or service categories (like only cleaning or inspections).

Other notes on triggers:
- There can only be 1 trigger per workflow.
- Triggers are generally near-instant, but they may be delayed by up to 5 minutes or more depending on the trigger. If it is less specific, it will state it on the trigger description.
- Triggers only fire on events we get in TIDY, which may not match what is going on in the real world. For example, the job completed event is when it gets updated to completed in TIDY (by you or by the pro). If a pro completes a job and nobody updates it, then the job completed event will not fire until the system updates it later.
Actions can include the following:
- Create a concierge action - This is the most powerful action, and it allows you to have our team of humans do almost anything that can be done remotely. See Concierge Actions for more details.
- Send an email - Send an email to an address
And more similar things.

Actions do something. The most flexible and most commonly used action is Create Concierge Action. This has our team of humans do something, as described in Concierge Actions. It enables tons of workflows that nobody else can do!
We offer multiple templates for pre-built automations that you can customize for your workflow, from friendly reminder emails sent hours before a job starts to rescheduling jobs when a guest reservation is canceled.

If you tell the concierge the types of things you would like to get done, we can typically help create workflows for you. But here are some examples to get you started:
- Get Jobs Done - Example: "I need a carpet cleaning done this week for my property."
- Automate Turnovers - Example: "Book an inspection. Based on the results book maintenance and cleaning."
- Check Job Photos - Example: "Require photos after each job and have the TIDY Concierge check them against my checklist."
- Ensure Compliance - Example: "Ensure my pro has $1M in general liability and completes my form."
- Solve 24/7 Issues - Example: "When my tenant reports an issue, follow my checklist to determine if someone should come out, and schedule it."
- Solve No-Shows - Example: "When my preferred pro cancels, find a matching replacement from your network."
- Smart Alerts - Example: "If a job is unlikely to occur before a guest checks in, let me know."
- Sync Data - Example: "Add completed job info, including photos of the work, to Buildium for trust accounting."
- Monthly Reports - Example: "Once per month send me stats about how much was spent in the month."